Monday, September 8, 2014

Busy and Productive Days for the Munchkins of Room 205!

Hello Parents,

As we begin a new school year, our direction during our first ‘few’ days together has focused on establishing routines, reviewing expected behavior, setting classroom rules, and community building.  Each morning we say our classroom pledge together.  Today, the children signed a class copy of this pledge, as our classroom constitution.  I am happy to share our pledge with you:

My Second Grade School Promise

Each day I’ll do my best,

And I won’t do any less.

My work will always please me,

And I won’t accept a mess.

I’ll color very carefully,

My writing will be neat.

And I will not be happy,

Until my papers are complete.

I’ll always do my homework,

And try my best on every test.

I won’t forget my promise,

To do my very best!

The children are working toward becoming a wonderful, respectful learning community.  As I tell the children each day, our class is our ‘school family’, where each student (and every teacher) is to be treated with respect and kindness.  Establishing this foundation is vitally important as these building blocks will provide solid groundwork for all the learning which is ahead.  We are off to a great start, and I am enjoying this time as I get to know your child better. 

Thank you to all the parents who filled out my teacher questionnaire about your child.  This information helps me immensely as I learn about your child through ‘your eyes’.  If you have not filled out the questionnaire yet, please do!

Few Reminders:

  • Yellow Emergency Card and Blog Permission Slip:  If you haven’t done so already, please fill out the yellow emergency card and Blog permission slip.
  • Parent Seminar Night:  Save the date-September 16th from 6:15-7:00 p.m.  Come meet the teacher and learn about the curriculum your child will be taught in second grade! 

Looking Ahead:

Parent Volunteer Opportunities with the Munchkins in Room 205:

On Monday, September 8th, your child will bring home a newsletter outlining all the volunteer opportunities in our class this year.  Some volunteer positions can be done at home, while other positions will take place in the classroom.  When you receive this newsletter, please read over the information, as you will have a chance to sign up for volunteer positions during Parent Seminar.  I always try to give parents a ‘heads up’ about the volunteer positions, as the connection between home and school is of the utmost importance in ensuring a wonderful second grade year for your child.

Your child is a ‘gift’ and I am so blessed to be his/her teacher this year! 


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