Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Arctic Animals

We have been studying nonfiction text and students researched Polar Animals.  During our study, the children learned about the habitat, life cycle, and adaptations of one animal they chose.  Click below to hear what we have researched.


  1. I learned that the Aedile Penguin can jump straight up out of the water.
    -Ella Walgreen

  2. i learned that arctic wolves have42 teeth. - Georgia Hoxha

  3. I learned that the arctic fox can leave his den at 3-4 weeks old - Avery Sheets

    I learned that Musk Ox were overhunted and nearly became extinct! - Avery's Mom

    I learned that lemmings can have 30 babies in one month - Reilly Sheets (Avery's brother)

  4. I learned that a lemming can have 30 babies in 1 month - Jack Erickson

    I learned that an ermine is the color white in the winter, to blend into it's habitat.
    Jack E's Mom

  5. I learned that the Artic Wolf has 42 sharp teeth - Kayla Scannell

    I learned that the Lemming can have 30 babies per month and the Aedile Penguins are powerful swimmers - Lauri Scannell ( Kayla's mom)

  6. I learned that a crab eater seal doesn't chew it's food. It sucks on it. -Ryan Johnston

    I learned that the Puffin can hold up to a dozen fish in it's mouth. Amazing! -(Ryan's Mom)

  7. I learned that the Artic Fox can leave its den when it's 4 weeks old. -Max Ludmar

    I learned that the Chinstrap Penguin has knees and when it walks its knees are bent. - Max's mom

    I learned that the Polar Bear can walk up to 15 miles a day. I also learned that a puffin can hold up to 12 fish in its beak - Sadie (Max's sister)
