Tuesday, October 28, 2014

RAZ Kids Information!

Reluctant Readers?   Raz-Kids is Sure to 

The children are very excited and can't wait to start Raz-Kids at home!  I am happy to inform you that your child has access to hundreds of eBooks using the school's subscription to Raz-Kids.  Children can read and listen to books on Raz-Kids and even record themselves reading!  Afterwards they can take a quiz to check for comprehension.  On Wednesday, October 29th, the students will be given information about accessing Raz-Kids at home. 

Read about the program here:
Having a Gr-8 Time with Raz-Kids......
Learning how to access the many eBooks.

"This is so much fun!"

Mrs.  Klipfel worked with our class today and showed us all kinds of great activities we can do on Raz-Kids!  Thank you Mrs.  Klipfel for all your help!

free glitter text and family website at FamilyLobby.com


  1. Dear Mrs. McCarthy and Class,
    It is always my pleasure to work with you. RAZ Kids looks like a lot of fun. Has anyone used the microphone and recorded their reading? Did you like to hear your own voice? Keep Reading!
    Mrs. Klipfel


  2. My group all enjoyed their reading tonight! They had fun. We will have to try the microphone and record reading, I just realized that option tonight. Thank you! on RAZ Kids Information!
